Endless Media

Digital & Print Publishing Platform That Will Stand The Test Of Time

The Challenge

The typical software used by most media companies to edit and publish digital and print articles has been developed at least a decade ago. Even though it’s obsolete and threatens to fall into pieces any minute, most media companies fear to replace it. Introducing a new system is a complex project that consumes much energy, time and money. The process is hard to manage and the software developer often forces solutions that aren’t really necessary.

The Solution

Having a business partner who deeply understands the software needs of news media companies and has 22 years of experience in the management process of introducing new software systems to an organization is key to ensure that the project is streamlined and safe from unnecessary risks. We can help you define your requirements and bring in our Publishing Platform that will stand the test of time, so you don’t have to go through this process ever again.

Meet Endless Media Digital & Print Publishing Platform

The digital landscape is in Endless Flux and so is the world of News Media. Keeping up isn’t easy but it is paramount in ensuring that the reach of your publication keeps growing. By choosing Endless Media as your publishing platform you’ll have an experienced team working hard to keep the platform up to date and your publication competitive so you can focus on world class journalism and winning the news race.

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Digital & Print Integration

The Same Platform For Digital & Print

Get the most out of your journalists’ time by allowing each article to appear on various digital channels, in print or everywhere.

Customizable Print Workflow

Define your print editorial process with as many workflow steps as you need.

Export To a Desktop Publishing Software

Copy finished articles to the clipboard with a click & paste them into your DTP software by using customizable templates.

European Publishing Expert

The platform evolved in the EU and so it caters to the ins and outs of European newsroom rules and habits.

Subscription Based Model (SAAS)


We Handle Everything

For a monthly fee you get licensing for the platform, first class server hosting, system monitoring, IT support 24/7, software updates, new platform features and marketing statistic reports.

Cost Efficient

New features and improvements to the platform cost much less because their development is shared among multiple sites.

Pay As You Go

Instead of investing into an expensive editorial software that gets outdated fast, rather pay only a low monthly usage fee that grows along with your needs.

Fewer Bugs

Problems that arise at a given news site is solved on all other sites before even showing up at your site.

Enterprise-Grade Solution

Not Just a CMS

Endless Media is an enterprise-grade publishing platform able to distribute content to any digital channel you need, and as soon as new channels emerge it will include those also.

Biggest Open Source CMS Community

Since Endless Media is based on WordPress, the world’s most popular open source CMS, we are able to constantly and quickly evolve the platform along with the digital landscape and bring in new technologies and opportunities to reach your audience.


Continuous software updates and new features ensure your publishing platform doesn’t get outdated, so you won’t need to replace it again after 5-10-25 years.


Site design is decoupled from the backend which makes facelifts easy. Expanding it with custom features is also cost-efficient.

Mobility & Connectivity

The platform is preconfigured for your custom iOS & Android news app to automatically fetch article content, or any other external system that needs content syncing.

Simple But Powerful Interface


Article Editor That Everyone Can Use

Tech background is not required from the Editorial Staff to be able to use the platform, it’s as easy as it gets.


Duplicate Articles & Pages With a Click

Create multiple article versions for print & online.

Preview & Schedule Articles

See unpublished articles in their final form, and publish or schedule them with confidence.

Roll Back Time With Version Control

Audit every article change and revert back if necessary.

Customizable User Interface

Your users can tweak the interface to make it fit their work flow.

Communication With Notes

Use digital sticky notes for important messages.

Flexible Page Builder

Build Layouts With Drag & Drop

Change the layout of any page by using blocks & create beautiful longform articles the same way.

Change Global Design

Customize design elements across the whole site without lengthy developer involvement.

Shared Areas

Create unlimited number of content areas that are repeated on many pages and change its contents centrally.

Edit The Menu & Footer

Dynamically change menu items and the footer layout.

Real Time Journalism


Mobile User Interface

Edit, publish & update articles on the go from press conferences and other off-site events.


Convert any article into a liveblog & update it easily and quickly from the frontend.

News Tickers

Showcase the most important news pieces on a constantly running news ticker.


Breaking News

Display attention-grabbing breaking news stripes for events that really demand an extra push.

Social Integration

Optimize For Sharing

Set different article titles, leads & featured images for sharing on social networks.

Automatic Facebook Purge

Don’t worry about Facebook caching your articles, have our system automatically purge the cache on each article update.

Facebook Commenting

Use the power and share-ability of Facebook comments on your articles.

Rich Content Options

Showcase Your Authors

Add a personal touch to your articles by showing author avatars and bios.

Gallery & Video Support

Easily create beautiful picture galleries and embed videos to enrich reader experience.


Create unlimited polls for your readers and display them on the front page or inside articles.

Ad Management

Unlimited Ad Zones

Define & manage as many ad zones as you need.

Fill-in Ad Zones

Serve replacement ads to avoid blank spaces when a scheduled campaign didn’t start yet or finished at midnight.


PR Articles

Publish PR articles with ease, serve them in any ad zone and track AV & CT automatically.

Ad Server Support

Use the ad server of your choice, we’ll integrate it if you need it.

Speed & Scalability

Advanced Caching

High traffic and unpredictable spikes are managed by multiple caching solutions and auto server scaling used in concert.

Article Archiving

Database queries remain lean and fast thanks to articles being archived after a few months.


Blazing Fast Search

Visitors get search results instantly from dedicated frontend search servers.


Server Architecture

The first line of defense for a high traffic website should be a well-planned, auto scalable & hard to penetrate server architecture, that is uniquely built for news sites. Endless Media was built for and runs on an architecture like this.


DDoS attacks can bring the largest server parks to their knees but intelligent & automatic IP filtering can ease the stress.

Activity Logging

Meticulous user activity logging can save the day in embarrassing situations.


User Role Management

Flexible user role & capability settings allow the fine-tuning of the editorial staff workflow.

Network News Sites

Central & Local Sites

Easily connect any number of news sites to send articles and manage featured articles from the central office.

Fast API Communication

Parallel communication between central and local sites makes publishing time-sensitive content stress-free.

Distributed Server Architecture

Organizing a group of news sites into a network allows for more flexible and scalable server architecture via load distribution.


Site Cloning

Starting a new local site is almost as easy as copy & paste.

3rd Party Integration


Connecting Endless Media with other systems including mobile apps is straightforward thanks to its robust APIs.

Custom RSS Outputs

Generate any type of RSS feed for readers or content partners.

Automated Newsletter Publication

Send scheduled email newsletters once or multiple times a day.


Analytics Inside

Review Google Analytics and Facebook reports for the whole site or for individual articles, without leaving the platform.


Top Article Lists

Automatically display top lists of the most read or most shared articles.


SEO Built-In

Automatic basic SEO optimization & built-in advice for Editors to fine-tune article SEO settings.

Journalist Output Statistics

Generate salary reports of journalists’ content output including character and page count.


24/7 Coverage

Our IT support team is available and ready to help non-stop even during nights and weekends.

Software Updates

Security updates are applied regularly to enforce safety.

Continuous Development

The CMS is constantly updated with new features to provide timeless functionality.


Content Management & Advice

Our content management team is ready to help with editorial, graphic design and digital marketing tasks if needed.

Take a Closer Look at Endless Media Digital & Print Publishing Platform

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